Vote in the 2022 Teachers on Fire Awards

Who were the education voices that sparked your thinking and ignited your professional practice in 2022?

Cast your votes in this first-ever edition of the Teachers on Fire Education Awards.


Award Categories

  • Education BOOK
  • Education FACEBOOK GROUP
  • Education PODCAST
  • Education SPEAKER
  • Educator on TWITTER

Thank you for contributing. Your email will be collected by this Form in order to limit respondents to one entry, but your selections will remain confidential.

All award categories are optional, so you are welcome to submit entries for only those categories that matter to you. Although I understand that you may have quite a list of favorites in some categories, only your first response in each category will be considered.

A focus on voices that focus on education. The purpose of these awards is to amplify the education voices that are sparking teacher thinking and igniting professional practice in order to bring more fire to our classrooms and support student learning more powerfully than ever. As educators, we glean ideas and inspiration from a wide variety of voices from within and outside K-12 education. But for the purposes of these awards, I’d like to keep the focus on education voices only. (For example, I won’t consider entries for Brene Brown or Simon Sinek in the speaker category.)

This Form was shared on December 21, 2022 and will remain open until December 28, 2022. Winners from each category will be published on all (or most) Teachers on Fire outlets.

Thank you again for participating. By completing the Form linked above, you’re shining a light on those educators that are making a difference, and you’re amplifying their voices.

Here’s to another great year of learning together.

Tim Cavey